How to Set Up a Home Where You Can Work and Relax

Working from home offers lots of benefits, from not having to commute to being able to spend more time with family. That said, balancing your personal and professional life under one roof isn’t always easy. It’s important to set up your home so that it’s conducive to work while still allowing for relaxation. Use the tips below to make it possible.

Create a designated home office

Make sure you have a separate space to focus only on work, without household distractions like laundry or dishes to distract you. When setting up a home office, make it a stress-free space. Install a digital document organization system to avoid paper clutter, for example. Ergonomic furniture, including a desk and chair, is also a wise investment.

Create more usable outdoor space

After a long day of work, spending some time outside can be soothing. Maximize your outdoor space by making it usable, for example by installing an exterior kitchen. This is great for entertaining and summertime cooking. Install basics like a grill, sink, fridge, and range hood. You can browse outdoor range hoods online, scoping out different styles and sizes.

Make the most of your garage

In addition to your yard, your garage is another area that you should be making the most of—but that’s often neglected. Make sure it’s well-organized and clean, so that you can safely store your vehicle. Even if you don’t have a car, you can use your garage for other purposes. It can serve as a home office or an exercise room, for example.

Add more greenery indoors

While it’s great to have a usable outdoor space, you can’t spend 24/7 in your garden. Make sure to bring some nature inside as well. Indoor plants create a calming vibe that’s great for your mental health. Do your research to figure out which types of plants will thrive in your home’s environment. Consider factors like size and light, among others. Learn more online.

Bring more light indoors

If you’re going to bring more plants indoors, try to bring more sunshine in too. Why? Plants need light to thrive. Plus, sunshine is good for people too: A brighter space can boost your mood. EcoLine offers tips for creating a lighter interior, like washing your windows, installing skylights, and decorating with mirrors and reflective objects.

Set aside a relaxation space

It’s good to have a place where you can unwind after a work day at home. Create a space that’s just for relaxation. You might use it for meditation, for example. Set aside a corner and decorate it with soothing hues like lavender. Make a digital-free zone and eliminate distractions like tablets and TVs. Finally, add calming touches like aromatherapy candles.

Set up a spot for exercise

When you’re working from home, getting out to get to the gym isn’t always easy. Make it easier to get the physical activity you need by setting up a space where you can work out at home. Very Well Fit lists what to consider when setting up an exercise area, from square footage to airflow and ceiling height.

Track all of your improvements

As you upgrade your home, prioritize changes that can add value. Examples range from improving curb appeal to revamping the bathroom and kitchen. Whenever you make these types of renovations, hang on to your receipts. They can help prove increased property value, which is useful if you ever sell the house.

Setting up a comfortable home where you can both work and relax will make your day-to-day life more enjoyable. Taking steps like maximizing your garage space is worth it. Once you’re done, you’ll have the perfect space to accommodate your personal and professional life.

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